In the summer of 1980, three jazz musicians embarked on a bold journey in a van: to craft mouthwatering, all-natural juices and smoothies that were as good for you as they were delicious—long before this became a thing. Forty-five years later, staying true to our roots, OdwallaⓇ is launching a new line of wildly delicious and innovative beverages, packed with goodness in every sip.
We’ve Got You!
We’re here to bring you even more joy from nature and inspire your wellness journey with exciting new fruit and veggie blends to help you take your first win into a more healthy day. Plus, our improved recyclable packaging is thoughtfully designed to preserve nutrient integrity and showcase our vibrant flavor. Better for you, better for our planet too 🙌.
Our new products
No ick here, only delicious goodness 😉. New fruit blends made with a handful of wholesome natural ingredients and real fruit, free from added sugar and high-fructose corn syrup.
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